Обратная связь


... As a rule, the manuscript is called


(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in


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and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts


and was erased, and on cleaned


new texts were rewritten


Libraries of the Carolingian era). IN


Preserved about 300 thousand.


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We offer learn about the movie and look <a href=https://ussr.website/государственная-граница-фильм.html>Film online state border</a> Interesting: In the cathedral, where Danovich and Nina are getting married, they again burst in - these are sailors, led by the same Gamayun. They were informed that conspirators were meeting in the temple. At the festive feast, a funeral mood reigns. Serge performs a romance in which he foresees the impending execution of the royal family. Surrounding officers are shocked .


monuments related to deep


"Julia's Garland" (fr. Guirlande de Julie)


collection of poems composed


Manuscript is a collective name for texts


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