Disclaimer statement: We are not legally liable for any losses or damages that you may incur due to the expiration of riger.ru. Such losses may include but are not limited to: financial loss, deleted data, downgrade of search rankings, missed customers, undelivered email and any other technical or business damages that you may incur. For more information please refer section 14.a.1.e of our Terms of Service.
This is your final renewal notification for riger.ru:
If riger.ru is allowed to expire, the listing will be automatically deleted from our servers within 3 business days. Upon expiration, we reserve the right to offer your website listing to competitors or interested parties in the same business category and location (state/city) after 3 business days on an auction-bidding basis.
This is the final renewal notice that we are required to send out in regards to the expiration of riger.ru
Secure Online Payment:
All services will be restored automatically on riger.ru if payment is received in full on time before expiration. We thank you for your attention and business.
Disclaimer statement: We are not legally liable for any losses or damages that you may incur due to the expiration of riger.ru. Such losses may include but are not limited to: financial loss, deleted data, downgrade of search rankings, missed customers, undelivered email and any other technical or business damages that you may incur. For more information please refer section 14.a.1.e of our Terms of Service.
This is your final renewal notification for riger.ru:
If riger.ru is allowed to expire, the listing will be automatically deleted from our servers within 3 business days. Upon expiration, we reserve the right to offer your website listing to competitors or interested parties in the same business category and location (state/city) after 3 business days on an auction-bidding basis.
This is the final renewal notice that we are required to send out in regards to the expiration of riger.ru
Secure Online Payment:
All services will be restored automatically on riger.ru if payment is received in full on time before expiration. We thank you for your attention and business.
Выставите счет из распродажи остатков по Вашему складу на пластину :A4G0405M04U04GMN KC5010- 8 шт.
Наши реквизиты у Вас должны быть в базе.
Мне нужно сверло по алюминию, трех ступенчатое. Вернее два.
То есть, одно сверло - первая ступень 5 мм, вторая 10 мм, третья 12 мм. И еще то же самое, только третья ступень 14 мм. Длина первой части 5 мм, второй 15 мм. Длина всей рабочей части 50-60 мм. И цилиндрический хвостовик.
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подскажите есть такие резцы:
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Ответ прошу дать не позднее 04.12.2018. Если есть по наличию, то интересует цена. Если необходимо изготавливать, то сроки и цена?
Заранее благодарю, Вас!
Добрый день. Нам требуется не стандартный инструмент, а именно цековка обратная съемная (насадная) размеры:
1. 32
2. 40
3. 45
Может сможете изготовить?
Нас интересует инструмент DESOUTTER Линейка инструментов SH-с угловой головкой -отключаемая. артикул-SH420-LR400-S90-A10S. Прошу сообщить цену и срок поставки. Спасибо заранее!
Disclaimer: We are not liable for any financial loss, lost data, missed customers, loss of search engine rankings, undelivered email or any other damages that you may incur due to the expiration of riger.ru. For further information please refer to section 12.b.7a of our User Agreement.
This is your final notification to renew riger.ru:
In the event that you allow riger.ru to expire, the listing will be automatically deleted from our servers within 3 business days. After expiration, we reserve the right to offer your web listing to competing businesses or interested parties in the same category and state/region after 3 business days on an auction basis.
This is the final notification that we are required to transmit for the expiration of riger.ru
Secure Online Payment:
All services will be restored automatically on riger.ru if payment is received in full on time before expiration. We thank you for your cooperation.
Сергей Юрьевич
Ищем постоянного изготовителя фрез из быстрорежущей стали по нашем чертежам
Disclaimer: We are not liable for any financial loss, lost data, missed customers, loss of search engine rankings, undelivered email or any other damages that you may incur due to the expiration of riger.ru. For further information please refer to section 12.b.7a of our User Agreement.
This is your final notification to renew riger.ru:
In the event that you allow riger.ru to expire, the listing will be automatically deleted from our servers within 3 business days. After expiration, we reserve the right to offer your web listing to competing businesses or interested parties in the same category and state/region after 3 business days on an auction basis.
This is the final notification that we are required to transmit for the expiration of riger.ru
Secure Online Payment:
All services will be restored automatically on riger.ru if payment is received in full on time before expiration. We thank you for your cooperation.